Posts Tagged ‘Opt out long-term care insurance’

4 Reasons CLASS Act Will Be More Expensive than Private Coverage

Posted on May 21st, 2010 by Em-Power Services

Most of the press on CLASS Act hails the program for solving a problem that has devastated millions of American families. And there are some important benefits, but you almost forget that people will need to actually pay premiums themselves that are projected to be $180-$240 per month. By statute, CLASS Act will be funded exclusively by participant premiums. And those premiums must be set to ensure the program is actuarially sound for 75 years.

  1. Adverse selection
    I discussed adverse selection on my previous post as causing more unhealthy people to participate in greater numbers than those of healthy people. I think it’s pretty clear why that would cause premiums to be higher than private insurance carriers who require medical underwriting to control cost. With no underwriting, CLASS is a good thing for the sick people who cannot get less expensive private coverage making CLASS a high risk pool for people uninsurable in the private market.
  2. Subsidized premiums
    Under CLASS premiums are only $5 per month for students and poor Americans. Noble intention, but subsidizing premiums for a segment of society creates an entitlement for a segment that is paid for by everyone else. The amount of the subsidy is the difference between $5 and aged based premiums projected to be $180-$240 per month. Do you think this could make premiums higher?
  3. Limits on premium increases
    CLASS Act boxes the government in a corner with regard to complying with its own regulations and it will require premiums to be higher. Any person who attains age 65, or who has paid in for 20 years and is not working, cannot have their premiums increased. This is good if your premium can’t be increased and not so good if an increase is needed and it must be spread over a smaller number of participants.
  4. Limitation of money that can be spent on marketing and administration
    CLASS specifies that 97% of all premium collected must be used to pay benefits. On the surface this sounds like a good thing. Let’s eliminate corporate excess and let the government deliver more bang for the buck. Hmmm. How has the government done with its Social Security and its own budget?

According to the American Society of Actuaries, reviewing claims alone often costs private insurers more than this – and administrative cost of enrollment, premium collection, marketing and education, the last of which is very important if CLASS is to gain widespread participation to avoid adverse selection. Even with extensive educational efforts, private long-term care insurance companies have sold only about 8% of the market to date.

If you are an employer wanting to learn more about how Long Term Care differentiates your benefits or a broker looking to help your clients with Long Term Care, reach out and contact Doug Ross at 800-483-1115 or visit

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One Flaw of CLASS Act You Need to Understand

Posted on May 17th, 2010 by Em-Power Services

The primary concern about CLASS Act stems from “adverse selection”. This is a term used by organizations constrained by fundamental rules of business that require financial responsibility. Private insurance companies, for example build products with underwriting to control the cost of their products so they are affordable.

Adverse selection refers to a structural bias that causes a disproportionate number of people to participate who are more prone to need benefits in the future. Adverse selection violates the basic insurance principle of spreading risk over an entire population and will cause claims paid to exceed premiums collected.

Consider the following aspects of CLASS that have caused actuaries to use the term “death spiral” when describing the CLASS Act.

Employees will receive coverage without medical underwriting on a guaranteed issue basis. This concession may also be extended to non-working spouses. Every person who is uninsurable for private coverage will be motivated to participate in CLASS.

Participation is voluntary. Employees can opt-out initially, and opt back in at a later time. Why would a young healthy person participate when they can opt-in at any time?

Premiums are to be set by the Department of Health and Human Services to ensure financial viability for a 75 year period. A nominal benefit of $50-75/day is projected to cost $180-$240/month. With premiums this high participation has been estimated to be as low as 2% of the eligible population.

What is the “death spiral”?

CLASS Act is to be funded exclusively by premiums paid by participants. Participation in the program will be conversely proportionate to the size premiums of the premium. More expensive premiums will depress participation while lower premiums have the opposite effect. The death spiral is that setting premiums high enough to keep the program financially solvent will reduce participation which in turn will also affect the solvency of the program. And the problem is exacerbated the higher the premium is.

The death spiral is a catch 22 situation of sorts. Premiums need to be high enough to make CLASS actuarially sound as defined statute. People with pre-existing conditions will choose the CLASS Act in greater numbers while those who are younger and healthier choose comprehensive private insurance that is more affordable.

The implications of this will be discussed in my next blog.

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Three Ways your Health Insurance Coverage is Limited

Posted on May 3rd, 2010 by Em-Power Services

When people appraise different health insurance options, they typically evaluate their premiums and deductibles, but rarely question the limitations of the plan. That’s because it’s difficult (if not impossible!) to speculate on potential health care needs or the duration or severity of future health conditions. Where would a person know where to begin?

In actuality, there are three overlooked limits in almost every health insurance plan out there today. It’s this gap in health care that prompted long-term care insurance (LTCI)–a security plan that plugs the holes of traditional health insurance. LTCI ensures comfortable and quality long-term care, something more than half of us will need in our lifetime.

The three areas where health insurance does not protect a person are

  1. Skilled medical care in a nursing home beyond 100 days
  2. Intermediate care (such as rehabilitation) is limited to a period of time or number of visits
  3. Custodial care is not covered at all.

To understand the limits of traditional health insurance, we need to understand the three levels of healthcare.

Skilled Care: Care provided by doctors and skilled medical professionals to make a person well again. Skilled medically needed care is covered by health insurance.

Intermediate Care: Less frequent skilled care. It also is designed to make a person well again.

Custodial Care: This is help with the activities of daily living like walking, bathing, eating, going to the bathroom, or moving around. Skilled care providers do not provide this type of care. It is not therapeutic or designed to make a person well again, and traditional health insurance generally does not pay for it.

When you approach a company to fulfill its employee insurance options, do you educate them about the current gaps in their tradition coverage? Do you offer them an opportunity to enjoy full protection? Do you feel it is our professional obligation to educate companies to help them (and their employees) make informed decisions?

If you are an employer wanting to learn more about how Long Term Care  differentiates your benefits or a broker looking to help your clients with Long Term Care, reach out and contact Doug Ross at 800-483-1115

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Two Benefits of CLASS Act Come With a Caution Sign

Posted on April 23rd, 2010 by Em-Power Services

Have you read anything about the CLASS Act yet? CLASS stands for Community Living Assistance Services and Support and it’s a Ted Kennedy legacy program that slid into healthcare reform with little notice. It’s a voluntary government run long-term care insurance program that will require a decision from employers whether or not to participate. Where employers do participate, their employees will automatically have premiums deducted form their pay checks unless they specifically opt-out.

When does CLASS become effective?
Not later than October 1st, 2012, the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human services, taking into consideration the recommendation of the CLASS Independence Advisory Council will select the final benefit to be provided out of three benefits presented to meet the requirements defined in the statute. Following that date a period for public comment will be provided making a kick off date in 2013 probable.

What is long-term care?
Long-term care is help people need due to accidents or illness that can happen at any age. It is referred to as custodial care and it includes help with dressing, eating, bathing, toileting, continence or just moving around. By definition, long-term care is not intended to make you get well again and it is specifically excluded from traditional health insurance or Medicare when you reach age 65. This care can be very expensive and without insurance protection tens of thousands of Americans have become impoverished.

What’s good about CLASS?

  • Brings attention to the problem:
    Possibly the most important benefit of the CLASS Act is that it finally brings long-term care to the front page of newspapers and the national news. For too long, far too many families with resources to purchase insurance protection have had their lives shattered when a loved one needed long-term care and they didn’t own insurance. Most people don’t understand the consequences that come with needing long-term care until it is too late and they never learned about affordable planning options when they were young.
  • Allows everyone to receive a nominal benefit regardless of health problems:
    The other primary benefit of CLASS is to guarantee every citizen the opportunity to purchase a nominal long-term care insurance policy regardless of pre-existing medical conditions. Unlike private insurance with medical underwriting that excludes high risk individuals to control premiums, government provided coverage will accept virtually every citizen.

So what is the caution sign for?
Government run long-term care insurance stems from noble intentions and it does in fact provide some important benefits to a segment of society, but these benefits come at a price. Stay tuned for information every employer, employee and benefit specialist needs to understand before making decisions on long-term care protection and the CLASS Act.

EM-Power is a unique brokerage in that we:

  1. Work with employers to show them why adding LTC as a employee benefit is a win-win opportunity; and
  2. Work with brokers to teach them how to better educate their clients about LTC to create a win-win opportunity.,

If you are an employer needing help or a broker looking to help your clients with Long Term Care reach out and contact Doug Ross at 800-483-1115

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3 Reasons Employers Shouldn't Wait for the Class Act

Posted on April 16th, 2010 by Em-Power Services

Finally, the Federal government has recognized the devastating gap in the safety net caused by long-term care by passing the CLASS Act, a national voluntary long-term care insurance program. Don’t wait to begin a conversation on long-tem care because once CLASS Act becomes operational, employers will need to decide if they should participate or if there are better alternatives. Regardless of what employers choose, employees hearing about CLASS Act will begin bringing questions to work.

There are some important differences between private long-term care insurance and the government run program – and it is in your interest to understand them now – before a decision to participate or opt-out is required. And these differences make it advantageous to offer private coverage to employees today.

  1. Coverage is projected to be more expensive and the risk of future premium increases will be higher with government coverage
    One size fits all coverage from the government, when available, is projected by Milliman, a respected independent actuarial firm, to be more expensive and more likely than private insurance to increase in price in later years. Because government provided long-term care has no underwriting requirements, provides subsidies to the poor, and premiums must be set to ensure financial viability for 75 years, the cost will be higher than private insurance.

    When CLASS was first introduced, the expected monthly premium was $30. Compare that now to premiums projected to be $180-$240 month for a nominal benefit. The higher the premiums, the lower the participation and the more likely the government will suffer from adverse selection with participants more likely to have pre-existing health conditions that prevent them from being approved for private coverage.

  2. Waiting for CLASS may cause some employees to lose insurability and age based premiums get more expensive each year
    Educating employees now and offering private insurance allows employees to submit applications when they are most likely to pass medical underwriting required by private insurance carriers to screen out high risk people that drive up the cost of coverage. Offering coverage today allows employees to lock in both their insurability and rates that are tied to the age coverage is purchased.
  3. Providing employees’ education now will help them to make informed decisions when CLASS becomes available
    The CLASS Act does not include sufficient funding to provide extensive marketing or education to employees making it likely participation will be poor. Education provided as part of a private long-term care insurance benefit allows employees to learn about long-term care, how it is paid for and how to make it part of financial planning. Educated employees will be in a position to make an informed when CLASS Act does become available, and those who could not pass medical underwriting will be able to purchase coverage then.

Still think you should wait for details on the CLASS Act before implementing an employer sposnored plan? Click here to see what executives from the respected financial rating agency A.M. Best have to say about CLASS Act.

Bringing the conversation about long-term care to employers and employees addresses a serious planning issue. Offering private insurance provides an opportunity to learn about the problem now and put an affordable solution in place. And when CLASS Act is available, those who cannot pass the underwriting of private insurance will have an option to protect themselves.

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3 Reasons Long Term Care Employee Education is a Good Idea

Posted on April 12th, 2010 by Em-Power Services

Options. The world is full of them. When we are young, the world is our oyster. As we age, options and opportunities dwindle. We miss the windows to set up optimum savings, life insurance or health plans, often finding we do too little, too late…often wishing we knew then what we know now.

Helping employers educate their workforce about the benefits of planning for long-term care is a critical new step in financial planning. By offering employees yet another option and educating them on the gaping hole they have in their safety net, employers earn both respect and gratitude from their workforce. Additionally, offering Long Term Care Insurance to their employees doesn’t need to cost the employer any additional money. Why should employers educate their employees about Long Term Care Insurance?

  1. Without education in the workplace, employees may not discover the long-term care dilemma until they have already developed pre-existing health issues.
  2. Premiums are fixed to a person’s age at the point of purchase; so planning young will result in paying the least amount of insurance premium over one’s lifetime.
  3. Understanding the issue and support systems available will be beneficial when a parent, friend, or other loved one needs long-term care. Employees of all ages should learn about long-term care while they are young so they understand the planning challenges they will face in the future. Like all planning, the younger people begin, the more options they will have and generally speaking, the less expensive it will be.

The good news is that with long-term care, there is an additional benefit of planning early. There is a much greater chance of being medically underwritten. When applying for long-term care insurance a person must fill out an extensive application with questions about existing health and medical prescriptions. Industry wide there is about a 30% decline rate for people that apply for coverage.

It should be noted that there are many health conditions like diabetes, arthritis and high blood pressure where a person can still be approved for long-term care coverage. But what happens to those conditions as a person ages? They generally deteriorate until the point where a person can no longer be approved. Learning about long-term care while they are young provides people with an opportunity to purchase protection when they are healthiest and have the best chance of being accepted.

Even when employees don’t purchase coverage, they will understand the issue when they are dealing with a parent or friend who needs care. It’s something that is very likely to happen to us all at one point or another. Do you believe knowledge is power? How much to you know about LTCI?

EM-Power is a unique brokerage in that we:

  1. Work with employers to show them why adding LTC as a employee benefit is a win-win opportunity; and
  2. Work with brokers to teach them how to better educate their clients about LTC to create a win-win opportunity.,

If you are an employer needing help or a broker looking to help your clients with Long Term Care reach out and contact Doug Ross at 800-483-1115

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Three Reasons Knowledge is Power Concerning Long Term Care

Posted on March 26th, 2010 by Em-Power Services

You know knowledge is power. We believe that so strongly, it is in our company name. At EM-Power we provide education to employers about a massive hole in their benefit program that affects every business owner, executive and employee; a hole many people live on the edge of their entire lives and don’t even know is there.

We’ve identified the three main reasons this occurs, and are committed to helping people foresee the danger to their financial well being before it is too late for them to rectify the problem. So what are the misconceptions out there and why?

  1. Most people think long-term care is covered by their health insurance plan. Traditional health insurance simply is not designed to pay for long-term care and people generally don’t come to realize their gap in coverage until they’ve fallen through it. Unfortunately at that point, there is no way to turn back the hands of time to safeguard themselves.
  2. People incorrectly assume the government will take care of them. In reality, most people don’t understand the differences between Medicare and Medicaid, or that they need to sacrifice their 401k and savings before the government program they thought was at their disposal will kick in to give them surprisingly minimal and fairly inflexible coverage.
  3. People don’t think “it” could happen to them. Many people try to fool themselves by not thinking about death or by telling themselves they will live to a ripe old age and drift off comfortably in their sleep. In reality, 70% of all Americans will have a need for long-term care at some point in their lives.

The truth of the matter is that people don’t choose an accident, injury, or illness. It chooses them and it does not discriminate based on “what kind of life they lead” or what they want to happen. Helping people come to that realization is essential to help them safeguard their personal and financial futures. Denial, misinformation, and avoidance do not decrease a person’s chance of requiring long-term care unfortunately. Careful planning done by informed people can make a profound difference the experience by protecting people’s assets and preserving their choices over care decisions.

People’s care is ultimately in their own hands. Wouldn’t it be great if they were able to make choices about their future through a position of knowledge and understanding???What is the biggest objection you hear about long-term care insurance? How can we help?

For further information please contact Doug Ross at 800-483-1115. x223, or e-mail

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Four Ways to EM-Power your Career by Offering Long Term Care Insurance Coverage

Posted on March 11th, 2010 by Em-Power Services

Do your current insurance offerings leave a gaping hole in your clients’ coverage? Are you leaving money on the table by not pairing Long Term Care Insurance with your other products, or capturing more business from your existing clients?

EM-Power Services has developed the tools and training to help insurance brokers capture more business and offer a valuable solution to their clients. We offer a proprietary sales and enrollment platform that secures employer contributions in more than half of all cases, with voluntary enrollments achieving up to 25% participation. And—EM-Powers’ enrollment platform capture more than five times the national average!

EM-Power works with every major carrier so you can customize a program that best fits each company’s need.

Our marketing program teaches you how to secure a 1-hour appointment with the decision-makers. It will also arm you with the 5-key agreements that cause employers to become emotionally connected to what Long Term Care Insurance can offer them and their work force.

Additionally, EM-Power will offer you these valuable resources:

  1. A comprehensive quote engine that produces proposals with up to three carriers side by side. The proposal highlights the minimal cost to receive maximum discounts and underwriting concessions for employees and their spouses and showcases the ability to discriminate by having the Company pay for only the owner or key executives.
  2. Electronic messaging software that produces custom communications to invite employees to educational workshops.
  3. Custom enrollment materials for each employee.
  4. Administrative support to address behind the scenes functions such as coordinating payroll deductions for employees, automated delivery of policies.

We’re confident that EM-Power provides the strongest solution out there with our comprehensive enrollment platform and specialized agent training. How can you benefit from adding long term care insurance to your offerings?

For further information please contact Doug Ross at 800-483-1115. x223, or e-mail

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Three Ways Long-Term Care Impacts Millions of Working Americans

Posted on February 21st, 2010 by Em-Power Services

It’s really something else when we hear about people who pine away all their lives with hard work and savings, just to have it all wiped out with a single accident or illness. It’s especially tough when it happens to one of your employees; someone who devoted his or her energies into making your company successful and winds up falling through the health-care cracks due to lack of knowledge or the right coverage choices.

The biggest financial surprise hard-working Americans run into is the lack of coverage they thought they had, where they thought there was enough. It used to be nothing could fix this, but now corporations are learning about this gap and the choices they have to help their employees bridge their coverage. I’m not talking about raising the coverage amounts on traditional health insurance, I’m talking about reading the fine print in your company’s current offerings and learning where the gaping holes in coverage appear.

In what ways does the lack of long-term care coverage hurt working Americans?

Your employees may become impoverished when they must use their savings, equity, and retirement funds to pay for long-term care service fees they thought they were insured against.

Family members and loved ones must often significantly alter their lifestyles, curtail their careers, and carry the physical and emotional weight of caring for a sick, hurt, or disabled family member. They are also financially impacted when household funds are re-allocated for care.

Once a person has used all of his or her available financial resources, he or she will likely have to rely upon government assistance to continue care. In most instance, this means moving to a nursing home facility or institution instead of receiving in-home care.

Does your company have systems in place to address your employees’ long-term financial and health care needs? Does it include long-term care options?

Click to request a 15-minute briefing on long-term care and how it can benefit your Company. For more information call 800-483-1115 and speak with Doug Ross.

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Five Reasons Employers Should Learn about Long-Term Care Insurance

Posted on February 7th, 2010 by Em-Power Services

What does your employees’ current compensation package look like? What does yours look like? There are five main reasons employers should take a few moments to understand and evaluate long-term care insurance.

  1. Long-term care insurance, or insurance that addresses the enormous gap in traditional healthcare coverage, is an often misunderstood and overlooked component in financial planning and health care protection.
  2. More than half of American workers will experience a need for long-term insurance coverage in their lifetimes and yet many of them will not realize this until it is too late.
  3. There are employer-sponsored benefit programs with significant advantages that can be implemented without any cost to your company. At the same time, business owners can selectively pay for coverage for themselves and key employees while receiving generous Federal tax deductions as part of a strategy to reward and retain your most valued people.
  4. Educating your employees on the hole that exist in their current long term financial and health planning builds goodwill toward your company.
  5. You can offer group insurance rates to your employees on a voluntary basis, meaning it does not cost your company anything to offer this protection while employees will receive coverage at a better price through you than if they were to purchase it independently.

We are happy to arm you with the questions you need to ask of your current benefit provider. Are you aware of the hole in your coverage that may leave you unprotected and financially vulnerable?

Click to request a 15-minute briefing on long-term care and how it can benefit your Company. For more information call 800-483-1115 and speak with Doug Ross.

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