Posts Tagged ‘Community living Services and Supports Act’

Employers Filling the Benefits Gap with Long Term Care Insurance Coverage

Posted on January 21st, 2010 by Em-Power Services

Many businesses offer their employees health and life insurance policies as well as sponsored savings programs. Employees have been conditioned to tuck away, grow, and protect whatever savings they can and many companies match what their people contribute on their own. But there is a hole in that safety net they surround themselves with, and it is not at all evident until someone falls through it.

This is where that one person in two who experiences a long-term health care issue, whether it be from an illness or accident, dementia, or a host of other physical problems, finds both financial misfortune and a devastating conundrum.

This is where, statistically speaking, half of us will find ourselves devoid of long-term assistance, quickly out of our life’s savings, and straining the relationships around us. It’s the part of future planning that gets neglected and that no current plan other than LTCI will address. And it’s why long-term care insurance is a benefit more and more companies are offering.

As an employer who wishes to offer its employees comprehensive benefits, is LTCI something that would add value to your organization? Could LTCI enhance benefits packages and make your company progressive in practice and aggressive in retaining key players?

If you are curious about how to offer Long Term Care Insurance options in your workplace, you are not alone. EM-Power is here to answer questions for you or your benefits broker about the options and strategies companies are using. EM-Power looks at all major market players and helps businesses decipher what they need and why.

We’re proud to be a leading authority on worksite LTCI implementation and we’re dedicated to providing you with clear, concise information about Long Term Care Insurance.

Is your company considering including LTCI in its benefits package? For a brief overview of how long-term care impact millions of working Americans click on

For more information and answers to commonly asked questions surrounding LTCI, visit us at or call 800-483-1115.

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EM-Power Services Designs Long Term Care Insurance (LTCI) Resource Center

Posted on January 7th, 2010 by Em-Power Services

…for Employers and Benefits Brokers

Hello! And welcome to EM-Power Services. We are pleased to be your educational resource for Long Term Care Insurance (LTCi) plans in the workforce. Check back often for updates on what is happening with long-term care products, enrollment strategies for businesses and legislative initiatives affecting long-term care including the CLASS Act that is part of healthcare reform.

EM-Power Services provides education to employers on long-term care planning issues and helps them implement benefit programs that close a hole in the traditional safety net provided to employees. That’s right, I did say “hole,” and it’s a doozy that’s hard to see but impossible to avoid when people fall into it without warning.

If you don’t have an LTCI option for your employees, the 401k you are helping them build is at risk and there is a big no-coverage zone in your health insurance benefit that most employees don’t even know exists. This is true for owners, key executives and every day working folks. LTCI is a growing incentive that is placed in employment packages designed to attract and retain top personnel.

EM-Power Services is here to answer your questions about the Long Term Care Insurance marketplace and to help you implement planning solutions. We’ll team with your benefits broker to make sure you are offering your employees the education and coverage options they need. We are independent of any specific insurance agencies and help businesses decipher industry lingo so they can become informed decision-makers.

We look forward to getting to know you and offering you educational tips and solutions regarding LTCI in America. What do you know about Long Term Care Insurance? We’d love to hear from you!

Keep it here for upcoming topics including

  • How to Offer Custom Enrollment Materials
  • Opening a Discussion with your Benefits Broker
  • How to Attract and Retain Quality Employees
  • How to Conduct an Informative Session on Long-Term Care Insurance
  • Questions you Should Arm Yourself with When Selecting a Provider
  • How Much Assistance will the U.S. Government Give Me?
  • What We All Need to Know about the CLASS Act

EM-Power LTCI helps educate employers about the benefits of offering Long Term Care as an employee benefit and matches them with qualified brokers to be of service.  Employers interested in learning more and broker looking to help employers in your area should contact Doug Ross at 1-800-483-1115.

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